The 12th IACMAG conferences in Geomechanics is scheduled to be held from 1 to 6th October 2008, at GOA (INDIA). Conference TOPICS and other related information is listed on the web site
for more information and registration Contact:
Dr. D. N. Singh
Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering,
Geotechnical Engineering Division,
Indian Institute of Technology, BOMBAY POWAI,
MUMBAI- 400 076 (INDIA)
Ph: 91-22-2576 7340 (O) 2576 8340 (R)/2572 0644 (R--Direct) 2576 4317/47 (Lab) Mobile: 09820 758508 Fax: 91-22-2576 7302/ 2572 3480
see more conferences in civil engineering